Neuralix Platform

Solutions in Medicine and Neurosciences
NLX Neuralix Editions develops solutions for healthcare professionals for the assessment of cognitive-behavioral disorders and the management of related disabilities. The tools are fordifferent professions (psychologists, speech therapists, psychomotor therapists, occupational therapists, doctors, etc.), to different specialties (neurology, psychiatry, pediatrics, physical medicine, etc.) and to different institutions (hospitals, research organizations, psychological and social institutes, private practices, etc.).

Easy, fast and ergonomic to use, the solutions are grouped together on the Neuralix online platform in the form of Web applications, usable from the web browser. In addition, all data pass through an Approved Health Data Host (HDS) in order to guarantee the highest security in accordance with the GDPR.

Why use the Neuralix platform ?

The modernization of practices in the field of behavioral assessments and related care is a innovation in use, in addition to promoting access to care. This development allows the improvement of tools used by professionals and corresponds to the digital challenges for the transformation of health systems:
  1. NLXWith regard to assessment and care tools, digital technology enables the automation of procedures through the use of algorithms. This automation concerns both the collection of data (performance rating, error detection, etc.) and their processing (transformation and comparison of scores, restitution of results). This results in time savings, error risk reduction and better accuracy.

  2. More generally, the Neuralix platform prepares the professions concerned to be fully integrated into the practices of tomorrow. This goes beyond the interoperability of our solutions with the systems of information from health structures while ensuring data protection and security. This also involves innovation and reflection on the tools of tomorrow by guaranteeing a scientific framework for the development of these new practices.

In summary, the Neuralix platform supports healthcare professionals by offering them quality solutions, scientifically proven, and in line with societal changes, in particular concerning digital technologies.

The applications

NLX EDS Need a try ? Enjoy a 15-days free and full access to the entire platform by creating your Neuralix Editions account1.

In addition, some of our applications are provided free of charge to public health and research institutions.

Don't wait anymore and switch to digital format with us !

Nom : Neuropsychomotor functions assessment battery
Domain :
Dev. psy
Duration : 2h
Norms : from 4 years old to adulthood
Version(s) : NLX
Author(s) : Pr. L. Vaivre-Douret (PhD)

1Access to applications requires a dual certification. The first concerns the identity of the owner of the account and the second concerns the skills (diplomas obtained) of the owner of the account. For example, using an application from the "Neuropsychology" domain requires having a certified account for this domain. Certification requests are made directly online on the platform.


Certified professional account

In order to guarantee optimal use of our tools, our applications are reserved for healthcare professionals with theoretical and practical training. Thus each user must obtain the necessary certifications before using our applications (e.g. Neuropsychology, Psychomotricity ...).

No installation required

All you need is an internet connection : our applications run on your web browser, whether you are on a computer or on a digital tablet. Your data and exam results are saved on your account, which can be accessed from any workstation.


An account can be shared between several sub-users in order to facilitate collaborative work in a same unit. Everyone then has their own account login credentials but the data is shared among all users as well as licenses.

A single platform

Whether you use one or more of our applications, the data is collected in your patient's file. Thus different professionals can intervene for examinations of different nature (via different applications) and all the results will be grouped in one place.
NLX EDS Neuralix Editions SAS - 2018-2025©