
Select an app. to display prices.

Need to test before you start ? By creating your account on the Neuralix platform for the 1st time and having it certified, you will receive a 15-days free trial for each of the available applications.

How does access to applications work?

NLX EDS can create more new exams per day. Finally, whether you have a Classic or Premium license, you can come back on an exam previously created (edit / continue) as many times as you want.

When your license expires, you can still print or export in .pdf/.csv the exams previously created. However, you can no longer edit / continue or create new ones.

Create new exams Continue / Edit existing exams Print / Export results
Valid license NLX
(Number limited by the type of license)
No valid license NLX

PSeveral users on the same license ?

NLX The Neuralix platform offers the possibility of sharing your account between several sub-users in order to facilitate work within the same structure (department, unit, etc.). Thus, the sub-users of the account share the patients and the examinations, but also the licenses of the account.
NLX EDS Neuralix Editions SAS - 2018-2025©